Sunday, 30 March 2014

Maths Time in Room 4

Room 4 does maths after morning tea. In the cirlces group we have been learning how to count on from the biggest number. We have to know all the numbers to 100 to be able to do this.
Sometimes in maths we work with Mrs Beardshaw. Sometimes we practice by ourselves. Sometimes we play maths games together and sometimes we get to practice on the IPAD.

Friday, 21 March 2014

St Joseph's Day Fun

On Wednesday 19th March the whole school came together to celebrate St Josephs Day. Room 6 led us in a liturgy. Then we had a picnic lunch and spent the afternoon participating in fun games.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Roles in our School Community

The most important thing Mrs Hahn does is looks after all of us. Mrs Hahn's job is also to organise stuff, she talks about what the classes are learning and she talks of the phone. If I were principal I would be friendly and welcome new children and I will help people when they are hurt. I will set up exciting things like a school fair and I will set up a school disco and a lolly scramble day and a Christmas concert.
By Ella

Roles in our School Community

The most important thing Mrs Hahn does is being the principal and being the main one in charge in the school. Mrs Hahn's job is also to welcome others and entrust teachers to give subjects for children and help the community. It I were principal I would be friendly and give ideas for children's learning.
By Pranz

Monday, 10 March 2014

Swimming Carnival

This Thursday 13th of March the Junior School will take part in our Good Shepherd School Swimming Carnival. The children in Room 4 will swim between 9 and 11am in either competitive or non-competitive events. We have been practicing our skills on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. We look forward to seeing you there.

What fun we had! Check out our floating Starfish.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014