Sunday, 29 June 2014

A Fun Day at MOTAT

Have you ever been to MOTAT on a school trip?
On Friday all of Sheridan at Good Shepherd School went to MOTAT. 
First all the classes gathered in front of Room 9 and Mrs Taylor told us the rules and that we must stick together. Then we all walked to where the buses were. We waited quite a while but just then the buses came! Everybody went to go line up in their groups. Finally we got to go on the bus (It was a double-decker)! I go to go on the top deck! When we got there a girl called Melissa came to take us to a big, white tent. On the way we passed a car exhibition. When we got there we all sat down and while we did, Melissa told us the time table. Then Mrs Beardshaw told us tat is was time to go on the tram. We all boarded the tram and I got to sit next to the window! I saw the sights! Then after the tram ride we headed to the Challenge Zone. It  had a lot of awesome activities such as a musical thing, something that you spin around on, an electricity thing, an earthquake room and something that if you look into a mirror and another person does on the other side you both turn into one person! Then we all headed to an exhibition called 'Stars and Cars' inside was a lot of olden day cars and a .............Mirror Maze! All of our class ran in and all did it a few times. We were all really annoyed and sad when we had to go. After that we went back to the big, white tent to have some lunch. I had two big sandwiches, two pieces of cucumber, a slice of cake and a drink. When everybody had finished eating we got to go to the playground! There was chaos, everybody was running around like mad! Then when everyone had stopped running Mrs Beardshaw asked us to line up and we went back into the big, white tent. We waited for Melissa to come and take us to a classroom so she could teach us something. While we were waiting all of the other classes were eating lunch (but of course we had already eaten ours)! Just then Melissa came to take us to the classroom. We walked past a lot of exhibitions. Then we got to the classroom, it had a lot of olden day stuff in it such as olden day phones, typewriters, an iron, a candle and some more. Melissa told us how they work and we got to have a go! Oh I forgot to tell you we also use a quill. While we were in there we learned a lot. After Melissa had finished teaching us we got to go and explore some more! We firstly went to somewhere about Edmund Hillary. Then we went to MOTAT village and we went into a lot of old peoples houses and a church. We played with things that children play with in the olden days. Then we made our way to the car exhibition we had passed earlier. We got to try some car horns and got to drive a unmovable car. We also got to turn a steering wheel. Then we waited for everyone to come back. After all the classes came we headed to the buses and boarded them. We made our way back to school. Soon we were back to school and we had to just do one more thing and we were off!
I just can't wait to go to MOTAT again!
Recount written by Eva 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

IPADS in Room 4

Room 4 now has 8 IPADS to use in our classroom to help with our learning. We are learning to use an app called Book Creator to write stories.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Reading Time in Room 4

At reading time we follow a tumble. We have different activities we do some with the teacher, some with a partner and some on our own. This week we have been focusing on the 'sm' sound. We have been learning how to retell the story in our own words using lots of detail.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Book Character Parade

Today Good Shepherd School had a Book Character Parade. It was so much fun to see all the costumes of characters from our favourite books. Check us out! Can you tell what book we come from?

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Book Week Author Visit

Chris Gurney visited Good Shepherd School this week as part of our Book Week Celebrations! Ruby was chosen to help perform one of her stories Trev and the Kauri Tree. She talked to us about how she started out and showed us all her books. She is amazing at rhyming.