Thursday, 3 July 2014

Technology Design

Mrs Beardshaw hurt her back so couldn't carry her laptop, handbag, lunchbox, drink bottle to and from her car. The children of Room 4 designed something to help her out.
First we drew them, then we described them, then we shared our designs with the class, then we made modifications, then we had a go at making a model of our drawings and finally we evaluated our designs.
Check them out!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Room 4 Goes to MOTAT

Last week on Friday the junior school went to MOTAT. It was excellent!
First of all we lined up facing Room 9. Then we walked up top. We waited and waited. Finally the bus came! But first the teacher called out what group we were in. It was a double decker bus. Room 4 and 5 went on the top. I am in Room 4. When we got there there was a big steam roller. It was exciting when we got off. It was starting to rain most people put on their raincoat but I didn't. we wen under the MOTAT shelter. We stayed there until the rain stopped which was about 5 minutes. Then we went in the igloo, which was a giant tent. We did the timetable. 
1. go to the exhibition place
2. have the tram ride
3. go to the challenge zone
3. have lunch in the igloo
4. have a play on the playground
5. have a fun time around with your adult
At the exhibition place we first looked at the old fashion cars. Next we went in the cars! We got to turn the steering wheel and we got to turn on the light and engine. We got to go in the left and the right and that was fun. After that we went to the tram station. We waited for the tram to come which was about 2 minutes. But before we went on the tram at the exhibition we do to drive on pretend steering wheels and honk horns. When we were on the tram there was heaps of posters on the wall. The man gave us tickets and we had to say Thank you. On the way back and forward we had to wait for another tram. When we got to the Aviation Museum we couldn't go inside because we didn't have enough time. Next we went to the challenge zone. At the challenge zone b the wall the teacher said what groups could go. She said names in the group. When we got in there the first thing I did was look around. I forgot about the mirror maze in the exhibition place. It was fun but I got lost. Most people got out, some other people got lost too. Mrs Tombs showed us the way out that was nice. I went back to my group at the challenge zone. I told you that I looked around. I just wanted to tell you again. Well the first thing I did was round brown circle. There were too many people there. Next I went to the earthquake place. It was shaky. I loved it. The first time I went under the table. The second time I stayed at the top anyway I did lots of things in the exhibition and if you want to know I will tell you. Now when I was going on the round about there were too many people on there too. Never mind I did get to look in the hole thing in fact I think I was the first one to do it. Then the teacher called out to come in our group back to her and to look around again. I saw some more things they looked fun but I didn't have time to do them. Next we walked back to the igloo text. We had lunch there anyway at the middle of lunch I had to go to the toilet. There were two toilets in the bathroom I went in and an automatic one that when you slid your hand across it opened that was cool. Then we went into the classroom and we discovered a typewriter, a quill, a phone and other old fashion things. Then we went in the group to the tables which had the things on them. Then we went with our groups and adults around MOTAT. When we had fun with the group I had fun too!
Recount written by James J.