Thursday, 21 June 2018

The Toy Shop on Zip Zap Avenue

The Transformers and Fairies of Room 3 and 4 had so much fun performing their dances in the school production, everyone looked amazing in their costumes and it was great to see it all come together so well!

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Tamsin Flynn Poetry

 This week Tamsin Flynn came in to visit us with some of her poetry performances. 
It was a great way to celebrate poetry during Book Week and we heard some awesome poems about pirates, the zoo, worms, the beach and witches!

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

The Holy Spirit

In the first half of this term we have been studying the Holy Spirit in Religious Education. Last week we did an activity, where we were experiencing the joy of the holy spirit. We talked about what 'joy' looks like, feels like and sounds like. Check out our photos below.

Samoan Language Week

Talofa lava, last week was Samoan Language Week. We did a lot of prayers in Samoan, listened to some stories from Samoa and learnt some Samoan words. Mackenzie's mum, aunty and nana came to visit us and shared some coconut bread with us and answered some questions about Samoa. Mackenzie and her aunty did a Samoan dance for us. On the Wednesday, children could come to school dressed in Samoan traditional dress.