Monday, 25 February 2019

Jesus Strand

At the moment in Religious Education we are studying the Jesus strand. We are learning about how Jesus showed his love in different ways. This week your children will bring home a sheet in their homework books that goes through all the achievement objectives for this strand. Please discuss these themes and ideas with your child. I have added the sheet below as well.

Our Assembly

On Friday we presented our class assembly to the school and our families. We had lots of fun preparing and practising our items. Here are a few photos.

Our learning

We are very lucky in Room 3 & 4 to have such amazing furniture and equipment to help us with our learning. It makes it fun and engaging for us all. Nimilote and Jacob have been using the white board table to practise writing their numbers and letters.

Thursday, 7 February 2019


We have started learning about statistics in mathematics. We have been gathering data in a variety of ways and then displaying that data in graph form. Afterwards we have looked at the data and made statements about what we have found out. These photos show us graphing the different colours in a packet of fruit bursts. Educational and yummy!!!

Welcome to 2019

Hi everybody,
welcome back to GSS for 2019. We are excited about the year ahead and we are looking forward to sharing our learning with you, through this class blog.
Here is our welcome letter for your reference:
2019 Welcome Letter to Parents

Kind regards
Peyton Evans & Heather McLeod