Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Holy Spirit

As we prepare for the Ascension of Jesus and Pentecost we have been learning about how the Holy Spirit was sent to fill our hearts so that we can become like God.
The children made headbands with flames of the Holy Spirit, which symbolise that it works within us even though you can't always see it.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Homework science inquiry

On Friday we had so many children sharing their learning and presenting what they had created at home. It has been great to see the amazing talent and variety of work.

Icy Balloon Experiment

This afternoon we did a very cool science experiment with water. We looked at icy balloons (balloons filled with water and then frozen). We felt them and observed them, after we had cut the balloon off. We then added some salt to the ice and observed what happened to the ice. After that, we added some food colouring to the ice and observed what happened. Here are some photos.
The big questions we came up with were:
What did the salt do to the ice?
Why would people use salt on ice to make it less slippery?

Monday, 13 May 2019

Science in a Van

On Friday we had a real treat. Emily and Alan entertained us from Science in a Van. We learnt all about making mixtures using different liquids and substances. We learnt that some like to mix, while others like to separate. Then Alan did some amazing tricks with bubbles. He tried to get a bubble to reach the roof of the hall. He tried putting different substances(one of them was liquid nitrogen) inside the bubbles and when he used helium gas the bubbles rose to the ceiling. He talked about the different gases being heavier or lighter than air. Check out these cool photos.