Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Term 3 Arts Focus - Music

This term our Arts curriculum focus is Music.
These are our achievement objectives for this term:
Developing Practical Knowledge
  • L1 Explore how sound is made, as they listen and respond to the elements of music.
Developing Ideas
  • L1 - Explore and express sounds and musical ideas, drawing on personal experience, listening and imagination
  •  Explore ways to represent sound and musical ideas
Communicating and Interpreting

  • L1 - Share music making with others.
  • Respond to live and recorded music

Check out these photos from today's lesson on pitch.

Friday, 9 August 2019

St Mary MacKillop Feast Day

On Thursday it was the feast day of St Mary MacKillop. We attended mass and then did some fun craft activities with a buddy class. Room 3 buddied up with Room 5 and we made a Mary MacKillop statue and we created posters using some of her favourite quotes. Room 4 buddied up with Room 6 and they created an amazing mural about Mary MacKillop. Come into the breakout room in Room 4 to check it out. Here are some photos from our fun session.