Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Football Programme

Today we got to participate in a football coaching programme. It was lots of fun and we learnt some new skills. The sun was shining and we all had a great time.

Balloon and water experiment

This term we are starting a new inquiry topic all about WATER!
This afternoon we did an experiment with some balloons and water. We blew up a balloon and held it above a candle, after a while it popped, next we blew up a balloon but this time we added some water inside it and what happened next was very interesting...it didn't pop.
Here's how it works:
Water is a great substance for soaking up heat. The thin latex balloon allows the heat to pass through very quickly and warm the water. As the water closest to the flame heats up, it begins to rise and cooler water replaces it at the bottom of the balloon. This cooler water then soaks up more heat and the process repeats itself. In fact, the exchange of water happens so often that it keeps the balloon from popping.The black mark at the bottom is actually carbon which was deposited on the balloon by the flame.

Place Value Maths

Today at maths time, Jacob, Ida, Matty and Jessica were making bundles of ten ice-block sticks. They then wanted to know how many sticks there were altogether. So they decided to make bundles of 10, so there would be 100 in each pile. Once they had finished doing that, they skip counted in 100s to find the amount. They had 1220 sticks in total.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Easter Fun

On Wednesday Ms Scanlan treated us to some Easter gingerbread cookies, we spent the morning decorating them and making Easter cards for our families.
Have a wonderful Easter holidays everyone!


Thursday, 11 April 2019

Maths Independent Play

Today we had two groups who really used their imagination and maths knowledge to take learning to the next step. One group decided to see what 1000 ice-block sticks would look like. They worked out that they would need 100 bundles of 10, so they got them all and set them out on the mat. The next group decided to build a tower using the coloured rods, focussing on our measuring objectives for strand maths.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Garden Week

This week is garden week at Good Shepherd School. During the week we have been learning about lots of things related to gardens. We have looked at how plants and flowers grow and what they need to grow. We have read and written poems about gardens. Here are some photos of us making our grass hair people. We will be bringing these home on Friday. Over the holidays we need to keep an eye on them and see when they sprout hair. We can measure the growth of hair and take photos to send back to school.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Our Maths Learning - Independent Play

Over the past 2 weeks we have working very hard on place value during maths time. We have also been practising our place value knowledge and learning when participating in our independent play activities. Here are some photos of what we have been doing.