Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Balloon and water experiment

This term we are starting a new inquiry topic all about WATER!
This afternoon we did an experiment with some balloons and water. We blew up a balloon and held it above a candle, after a while it popped, next we blew up a balloon but this time we added some water inside it and what happened next was very interesting...it didn't pop.
Here's how it works:
Water is a great substance for soaking up heat. The thin latex balloon allows the heat to pass through very quickly and warm the water. As the water closest to the flame heats up, it begins to rise and cooler water replaces it at the bottom of the balloon. This cooler water then soaks up more heat and the process repeats itself. In fact, the exchange of water happens so often that it keeps the balloon from popping.The black mark at the bottom is actually carbon which was deposited on the balloon by the flame.

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